A Dream Trip To Israel Spoiled


Ahhh! The dream trip of a lifetime, right?

Not so much!

With the exception of perhaps the city of Jerusalem and Israel’s agricultural areas, I wasn’t prepared for the shock of the colossal amounts of trash and garbage literally everywhere I looked. After all, this is the Holy Land we are talking about here.

Sweet expectations meet the horror of reality!

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Do You and Your Dog a Favor: Stop Feeding Commercial Food

I’m done with commercial dog food! I won’t spend another penny on it.

Most people don’t realize that many problems with their dogs and cats come from feeding commercial food products. Diet is EVERYTHING! I didn’t know any of this until I adopted a rescue. Veterinarians (in my experience) will rarely talk about nutrition as a remedy. They usually go straight to surgery and/or medication, which is often not the best option and is cost prohibitive for many people. I believe vets have their place, but it’s big business today. It’s rare to find a vet that takes a more holistic approach.

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Historic Prescott, AZ: Home to Virgil Earp, Whiskey Row & World’s Oldest Rodeo

Roundtree’s and Dickson’s saloons were crowded with customers, and we will not say how much whiskey was disposed of–it might surprise our temperate friends in Tucson and La Paz. Nobody was hurt, but the boys waxed very merry, and some of them very tipsy, and there was no little promiscuous firing of revolvers… Prescott Arizona Miner Newspaper, July 6, 1864

I am blessed to reside in Prescott, Arizona, twice the capital of Arizona in Territorial Days. Founded in 1864, the town of Prescott quickly became a popular destination for many and remains so today.

When people think of the Old West, Tombstone, Arizona, famously comes to mind, and rightfully so. The legend of the Earp brothers certainly made it the historical landmark it is today. Founded by a mining prospector who discovered silver in 1877, it quickly turned into a rough and tumble sort of place and proved to be one of the last boom towns on the Western Frontier.


Bird Cage Theatre, Circa 1937, Tombstone, Arizona–Courtesy Library of Congress

Sadly, there isn’t much left of Tombstone today–save the tourist traps. But even the tourist traps are far from what they used to be decades ago in the 1960s and 1970s. I visited there about seven years ago, only to be disappointed and disheartened at how much it really had changed and not for the better–shops had closed, many were up for sale, and the Bird Cage Theatre, now a museum, no longer had the shows (featuring shootouts and costumed dance hall girls) that I fondly remembered years ago. Contrast Tombstone with the vibrant, lively, bustling, small town of Prescott and you’ll find a town that is every bit as historically rich as Tombstone (arguably more so), Earp brothers and all.

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An Epiphany: Perfect Deviled Eggs Every Single Time

I love Deviled Eggs. Who’s with me?

Not just any old deviled eggs, either. Truth be told, I have had my share of really bad deviled eggs over the years (and the store-bought kind are about the worst on the planet).

To love deviled eggs like I do, they must be good…and I mean they have got to be eat-’em-like-candy-good. The filling is key to a really good Deviled Egg, but so is the presentation. Continue reading

She Sleeps: Meet Julia K. Johnson!

Those of you who read my blog know that I research and write about dead people. It’s my passion and it’s my way of honoring their memory (whether deserved or not) and to perhaps–hopefully–connect these sleeping dead with descendants that are living today.

I long to discover old photographic evidence of my own ancestors and have yet to do so. For now, I am satisfied in making other families happy with the discovery of precious relics they can add to their ancestry puzzle.

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The Magic of the Written Word: Hijacked by Visual Media!

Oy vey! It’s been two long years since I’ve banged these keys. I couldn’t believe it when I looked at the date of my last post. It begs the question: does anyone read blogs anymore?

I do! That is, if the substance is there. Much of what I read today is clearly concocted and fake, feverishly and (many times sloppily) cobbled together by global virtual marketers–so wooden and predictable.

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Jillian Michaels: A Revelation for Sedentary Bloggers and Women Over 50

Close up shot of hand by training woman with green dumbbellI took a good long break from pounding the keyboard and decided to focus on my physical and spiritual health (and not necessarily in that order).

Writing and blogging is my passion. Cobbling words together is easy for me. Day after day, I am (and was) content to sit in my big, comfy chair in my beautiful office with a pretty view out of every window, my furry friend, Pearl, by my side, and just ease into the wonderful universe of words.

So what’s the problem? Continue reading

The Holidays vs. Blogging: A Temporary Hitch in My Get Along

The Holidays vs. Blogging: A Temporary Hitch in My Get AlongIt’s 9 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning and after brewing up a cup of Joe and stepping outside for a bit, I thought I would steal a bit of time before the Thanksgiving feast and blog a few lines!

The sun is already warm and it is shaping up to be a perfect, sunny day with a predicted high of 82 degrees. This is the weather we live for every year. Here in the desert southwest (Arizona), it’s when we come alive. The blazing century mark temps of summer are behind us and now there is much to be done and enjoyed outdoors.

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